Sponsor A Classroom

Nurture the natural excitement children have doing science!


Sponsors a student.


Sponsors an elementary classroom.

35 students


Sponsors a middle school classroom.

105 students

Sponsor a Classroom

Your gift includes Individual Student Bag, Materials and Lessons, STEM Design Challenges, and Teacher & Student Resources.

If you would like to sponsor a specific teacher, please put their name and school into the note section on the Paypal donation form.

5% of your gift will be used to support CIBL’s administrative operations so that we can continue to offer this and other programs to support science education.

Request for Sponsorship

Bring fun, equitable, hands-on learning to your students!

If you would like to be considered for the Sponsor a Classroom program, please click the link below.

Share your wish for sponsorship with friends, family, and social media. Donations can be designated specifically toward your classroom by placing your name and school in the note section on the Paypal donation page. Classrooms that are fully funded for sponsorship will be notified.

Request Now