Our Partners

Global Tinker
CIBL is partnering with Global Tinker and their Paper Girls “Junior Scientist Maker Program” which inspires children 6+ to “think like a scientist” through engaging content, standards-aligned curriculum, hands-on learning activities, and scientific discovery.

The North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
CIBL has been awarded a $25,000 Ribbon of Hope Grant from the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation. The award will be used to fund a hands-on science initiative in Martin County for 4th-8th grade students over two years (2022-2023, 2023-2024).

The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation(SMT) Education Center
The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation provided project support for teachers in both Chatham and Durham County. This award allowed K-8th grade teachers to receive professional development on CIBL’s student activity packs and kits for two years.

The Biogen Foundation
The Biogen Foundation is supporting CIBL’s work with middle school STEM teachers in Durham Public Schools for the 2016-17 school year.

The William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust
The William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust is supporting a 2-year project with CIBL and Duplin County Schools. Every middle school science teacher in Duplin County Schools will receive hands-on curriculum and professional development during the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years.

Duke Energy Foundation
Duke Energy Foundation is supporting expansion of hands-on curriculum and professional development in Columbus County Schools and Whiteville City Schools for the 2016-17 school year. This project will impact every 6th and 7th grade science teacher in both districts.

Morehead Planetarium & Science Center
CIBL is partnering with Morehead Planetarium and Science Center to provide materials support for the Planetarium’s science festival activities.

Alamance-Burlington School System and Impact Alamance
CIBL is partnering with Alamance-Burlington School System (ABSS) on a $50,000 grant from Impact Alamance to expand hands-on science in ABSS K-2 classrooms.

Biogen provided support for science kit expansion in Durham Public Schools (DPS). Additionally, Biogen provided in-kind program support by hosting the DPS 7th grade Genetics workshop in its Community Lab.

Biogen Commemorates 20th Anniversary in RTP with $20,000 Donation to CIBL
Biogen, the largest biotechnology company in North Carolina, broke ground on its RTP campus twenty years ago this month. As part of its anniversary celebration on July 29, 2015, Biogen gave back to the community with a $20,000 donation to CIBL. The donation will allow CIBL to have an impact in Durham Public Schools (DPS). Because of this donation, DPS teachers will receive a full day of professional development and a complete, 9-week STEM kit to use with their students. CIBL extends its deepest gratitude to Biogen for its generosity and commitment to corporate citizenship.
CIBL Partners with the NC Museum of Natural Sciences for 3-year Program
Biogen Foundation awarded the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences its largest grant ever given to a museum in North Carolina. Part of the $584,700 grant will go toward enhanced science education outreach for teachers in North Carolina. CIBL will provide professional development and science kits to the teachers involved in the program. CIBL would like to thank the Museum for including CIBL in this program and Biogen Foundation for its generous support of science education in North Carolina.

The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation(SMT) Education Center
The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation provided project support for the expansion of Durham Public School’s (DPS) middle school science initiative. This award allowed DPS 7th grade teachers to receive professional development on CIBL’s Genetics kit.

Bayer USA Foundation
The Bayer USA Foundation provided support for the development of CIBL’s new, nine-week curriculum unit, NC 8th Grade Life Science.

North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
CIBL will provide hands-on STEM kits and professional development to teachers as part of a 3-year grant from Biogen Foundation to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.

The Science House at North Carolina State University
CIBL provides hands-on STEM kits for The Science House STEM Career Club, a 3-year project funded by the National Science Foundation.

North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Center
Special Thanks
Many people who care about K-8 science have helped CIBL operate the Teachers and Scientists Collaborating (TASC) program from 2002 through 2009. Thanks to them, TASC brought science to life for nearly 9,000 teachers and hundreds of thousands of students. Here are some of the contributors and contributions that made TASC work.

Gary Ybarra
Gary Ybarra was the TASC program principal investigator and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University. Gary is dedicated to inquiry-based teaching for science and engineering. His interest in TASC is both to promote good science teaching in North Carolina schools and to apply what we learn from TASC to training for electrical and computer engineers at Pratt.
Norm Budnitz
After earning his Ph.D. in the Zoology Department at Duke University in 1977, he taught middle and high school science and mathematics for 22 years at Carolina Friends School. In this setting, he developed his ideas and techniques for getting students actively involved in and responsible for their own education. In 1997, he co-founded the Center for Inquiry-Based Learning (CIBL) at Duke University with Professor Stephen A. Wainwright.