Our Science Kits
CIBL rents kits on a 9-week basis. The rental period covers an academic quarter on either the traditional or year-round calendar.
For grades K-5
CIBL supplies science kits selected from commercial vendors. Additionally, CIBL developed kits to align with the North Carolina Essential Science Standards. The K-5 kits serve 32 students.
For grades 6-8
CIBL has developed kits and training tailored to the North Carolina Standards. The middle school kits serve 125 students.
CIBL works closely with school systems of all sizes to meet specific needs. We can help whether your district is just getting started, needs long-term rental, or needs to manage kits that you own.

Vendor Key
CIBL — Center for Inquiry-Based Learning
FOSS — Full Option Science System
GEMS — Great Explorations in Math and Science
STC — Science and Technology Concepts
TRACS — Teaching Relevant Activities for Concepts & Skills