CIBL’s Vision

To nurture the natural excitement children have doing science.

Support CIBL’s Mission

Mission Statement: To support North Carolina K-8 teachers with training and the most engaging, integrated, hands-on STEM curriculum materials that promote creativity, collaboration and communication.

CIBL exists to nurture the natural excitement children have doing science. We believe students learn best by taking an active role, by engaging both their hands and their minds. At CIBL, we strive to see a classroom where students are working with hands-on materials in an active pursuit of understanding.

Consider a 3rd grade classroom studying plant growth, where students use dried honeybees to simulate natural pollination. Visualize a group of Kindergartners crawling through a play tunnel to emulate what they see in their classroom’s ant home. Imagine the excitement and wonder a student has as they uncover a skull, ribs and other bones when they dissect an owl pellet.

Your support will ensure that these types of experiences continue to happen in North Carolina schools.

Giving Levels

  • First in Flight (State Motto): $5,000+

  • Cardinal (State Bird): $1,000-4,999

  • Venus Fly Trap (State Carnivorous Plant): $500-999

  • Eastern Box Turtle (State Reptile): $250-499

  • Granite (State Rock): $100-249

  • Dogwood (State Flower): $99 and under

How To Make A Gift

By Mail:

The Center for Inquiry-Based Learning
913 Ramseur Street
Durham, NC 27701


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