Whether it’s a one-time gift or a monthly donation your contribution to CIBL makes a difference to teachers and students!

Donate Now

Sponsor a Classroom

Bring inquiry-based, hands-on STEM activities to students! Make a difference for a classroom today!

When you sponsor a classroom with your donation, this gift includes:

  • Individual Students Bags
  • Materials and Lessons
  • STEM Design Challenges
  • Teacher Professional Development

Elementary Classroom – $175

(35 Individual Student Bags)

Middle School Classroom – $450

(105 Individual Student Bags)

Other donation amounts are allowed and greatly appreciated.

5% of your gift will be used to support CIBL’s administrative operations so that we can continue to offer this and other programs to support science education.

Designate CIBL as Your Amazon Smile Charity

By using smile.amazon.com and designating CIBL as your charity, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to CIBL!

How to set up CIBL as your Amazon Smile Charity:

  • Go to smile.amazon.com
  • Login with your Amazon username and password
  • Click Accounts & Lists
  • Click Your Amazon Smile
  • Check “Your Current Charity”. If it is not CIBL:
    • Click “Change Charity” which is located in the upper right.
    • In the box type, The Center for Inquiry Based Learning Inc, and click search
    • Select The Center for Inquiry Based Learning Inc – Durham, NC.

Support CIBL’s Mision

Mission Statement: To support North Carolina K-8 teachers with training and the most engaging, integrated, hands-on STEM curriculum materials that promote creativity, collaboration, and communication.

CIBL exists to nurture the natural excitement children have doing science. We believe students learn best by taking an active role, by engaging both their hands and their minds. At CIBL, we strive to see a classroom where students are working with hands-on materials in an active pursuit of understanding.

Consider a 3rd grade classroom studying plant growth, where students use dried honeybees to simulate natural pollination. Visualize a group of Kindergartners crawling through a play tunnel to emulate what they see in their classroom’s ant home. Imagine the excitement and wonder a student has as they uncover a skull, ribs, and other bones when they dissect an owl pellet.

Your support will ensure that these types of experiences continue to happen in schools.

Mission Support

If you would like to mail a gift to CIBL, please send to:

The Center for Inquiry-Based Learning
913 Ramseur Street
Durham, NC 27701